
Ever-present boredom

When one works, they can actually appreciate those coveted two days off per week. The weekend, including the celebratory Friday night, is waited on ever so impatiently. Until, that is… you don’t have a job or anything to keep you busy. Then it becomes merely one of the other plain days of the week. I miss having the weekend actually mean something and having it to look forward to. To genuinely be able to enjoy those few days off that are meant to rejuvenate and relax.

Finding a job is no easy task. It is quite discouraging to send out resumes. How tragic that when you’re in college, most truly don’t know what they want to do for the rest of their lives. And college is the one great place to get a foot in the door of a potential job. You must major in something and have work experience that has practicality in today’s working environment. I, however, was a babysitter and an English major. To teach, it’s great. To do anything else- which is what I’m craving, I can’t seem to get anyone to call me back. So effectively I wasted 4 years and $30,000 on an education that can’t even get me an office administrative job. I’m so frustrated with that.

And then, of course, since I have nothing to do, I dwell. I dwell hopelessly and my days go so slowly. I sit around alone and try to think of what I can do that day. There are only so many times one can go to Target, IKEA, or the mall to distract themselves. Plus, it isn’t easy on the pocketbook, which- again, isn’t getting any help from a job. It’s making me crazy with loneliness and missing him… not to mention being hopelessly worried. I have to find a job- I WILL find a job. Asap. Preferably one that won’t oppose a month in Germany circa September.

I love how I want my cake and eat it too- I want a job- any job- but it must fit my vacational needs. As I told Josh today… if my boss won’t let me take 4 weeks off to see my husband who’s been in Iraq, then I’ll tell him to eff off because they clearly don’t support our troops. Verbatim.
So yeah, Europe! Apparently Josh has been told that it would be September for sure, but he doesn’t know when. Basically, I’m to go to Geneva where I have a free place to stay, and await the date they let him leave for his two weeks. I guess I can handle that… except that I’ll be ridiculously excited and unable to concentrate on the fun things I could be sightseeing in the meantime while waiting for him. Whatever, I’ll take it. I just can’t wait to give him the biggest hug ever and kiss him all night long. I LOVE YOU JOSHUA!!!

So I’m off to check on flight amounts as of today… I’ll update. Be right back…
*** all about $1500. Oh well, I suppose you do what you’ve got to do.

I’m off to my usual night ritual, daily show and colbert report with the tv on sleep. Off I go!

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